Wednesday, December 28, 2011

It's a Christmas Music Miracle!

Well, not in the way you might think.  I've made no bones about my love for music.  Not surprisingly, I was lucky enough to receive a substantial quantity of great music over the Christmas holidays.  Here are three of the standouts.  All of the following are great discs and come recommended:

Tom Waits - Bad As Me - Great disk that falls solidly in his later canon.  A mix of ballads and his rythmic howlers. 
Stand Out TrackBad As Me.  It's full of tribal rythms, braggadocio lyrics, and howling in the way only Mr. Waits can.  This is the kind of song that he does so well and only he could write and perform.

Wilco - The Whole Love - This one bridges Wilco's later interests: expermental soundscapes and 70s folk-pop.
Stand Out Track: Capitol City or Whole Love.  Both are great pop songs that really highlight the strengths of Jeff Tweedy's songwriting and the cohesiveness of the current lineup.

The Posies - Blood/Candy - I've been a fan for a long time but I admit my interest has waned in them of late.  However, I'm quite pleased with their latest (from 2010).  Four words: all killer no filler.  A great pop album in the grand tradition of happy pop songs with often dark lyrics. 
Stand Out Track: Licenses to Hide (but it's all REALLY good.) This one is full of great melody, harmony, interesting tempo shifts, and great lyrics.  They really play with the pop song format in interesting and creative ways.