If it hasn't been clear to those that know me already, I've always wanted to write professionally (in one form or another). As my school career has been winding down I've been flexing my writing muscles more lately. I'm finding the process more personally rewarding than ever. (Here's to hoping it can be as financially rewarding someday too.)
As part of my increased activity I've been writing weekly(ish) installments of a story for my two oldest boys in which slighty exaggerated versions of themselves partake in perilous and hilarious adventures. This was never intended for anyone but them and I'm using it as much to entertain them as I am practicing my craft. It's a great exercise that's fun to do and with almost immediate gratification from the boys. (What kids wouldn't love to read adventure stories starring themselves?)
Last week when I hadn't been able to write my weekly installment in time, Ian took it upon himself to write a story to share with us. His characters of choice though were not his family but his current ardent obsession, Calvin and Hobbbes. (He spends hours reading and rereading the various collections we've acquired.) What's great about Ian is that when he gets really interested in something he can focus on it with the kind of intensity rarely seen in most eight-year-olds. This story was no exception. I showed him how to bring up MS Word and off he went. Three days later, after spending every available moment he had working on his story, this is what he came up with (video follows as well):
(Note: The only changes I made was to space things out so it wasn't a gigantic lump of text.)
Calvin and Hobbes
Let me introduce you to Calvin and Hobbes Calvin is spikey haired, age 6 and has a big imageanation. Hobbes on the other hand slim,imagenary,no one knows his age and he’s Calvins friend.This is their life. One day dot dot dot Calvin[This is saterday]Came bumping down the stairs yelling its saterday![Note:he does this every saterday] When his parents herd him his dad said to mom go and break his little legs. Calvin got down rotted his inards with chocolate cereal and rotted his brain waching cartoons.
Finaly Calvin manged to get upstairs get his clothing on and go outside finnialy the house was quiet at least for a while.Meanwhile outside Calvin was digging in his yard like always is. This time he wasn’t digging for dinosoar bones which he usually does that. Even I don’t know why hes digging this time.Well lets see what he says. What are you doing to are yard! Yelled mom furiously. Makeing speed bumps. Said Calvin. Then he went inside. Hobbes was their waiting for him.
Hobbes?asked Calvin in a stammerd voice.
YYYYYYAAAAAAHHHHHH! Yelled Hobbes AUGH TIGER ATACK! Scremed Calvin in a very screamy voice.
Would the two of you keep it down!Yelled mom. It was Hobbes mom I fighting for my very surviveal.Said Calvin.
Sure Calvin I don’t want to sew Hobbes up again why don’t you two go do something quiet. Said mom.
Okay okay.Mumbled Calvin as he walked away. You sissy mom always takes your side. Said Calvin to Hobbes.
Thats because she wanted another tiger not you.Said Hobbes. Well it looks like our friend Calvin went outside again. This time he’s takeing Hobbes with him so when he comes back in he will not be pounced on. Ok I was kidding about that one. It’s actually his bedtime.
Time for bed Calvin.Said mom.
Your stuffed tiger is in the washing machine.Said mom.
Fine time to take a bath.Mumbled Calvin.
Listen just because you never take one.Said Hobbes.Well I guess its the end.
Yes, he borrowed from the comic A LOT and maybe this is just my daddy blinders but I was quite impressed with his effort. He now plans a sequel.