Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Reason # 1 I'm glad we dumped the dish.

A few weeks ago I was browsing our usual Dish Network channels and I paused for a moment on HGTV. It was another one of those surprise makeover shows where the upper middle class couple invites some sort of generically perky designer and their TV show crew to secretly redo a room in their house. It was all to formula and the couple was beside themselves with gushing joy that they had such a new and stylish room. There were hugs, cheers, and even some tears. I've watched these sorts of shows for years now. They sell a nice little fantasy that's fun to contemplate if it were to happen to you. This last time though, my feelings were different. I wasn't amused, envious, or intrigued. I was instead, angry and disgusted.

First, what a colossal waste of time. It isn't even good entertainment. If I'm going to spend time watching TV, then for crying out loud I should be watching something with at least minimal artistic value. All these types of shows really do is perpetuate empty and vacuous consumerism by making you feel the need to spend idiotic amounts of money to be just like the first world jackasses on screen.

Second, what kind of world do we live in where someone makes a living decorating other people's houses? How, as a society, did we get to the point where such paltry life skills manage to be a viable profession?

Third, Is evereyone onscreen so blissfully unaware of how truly sad and idiotic they look if just a room makeover elicits these sorts of emotions? (I swear it was like a dead relative had been miraculously brought to life.)

Oy vey.


  1. I remember way back when you could watch HGTV and fool yourself into believing you were learning something. Agreed. Quality has gone way down.
